Top Wearable Electronic Gadgets Of 2017

The latest mantra ‘hands free’ technology has made possible the advantage of “wearing” your gadgets and receiving info uninterrupted, even without looking at the app. This is especially useful for cyclists, runners, trekkers, exercise buffs, mountaineers or any outdoor adventure sport, people on the go, time strapped professionals, home caretakers. ......

Oneplus has Launched their 5th Flagship Smartphone with Powerful Octa-core Processor in India [Price, Features and Specifications]

Oneplus Launched Oneplus 5, a new Android smartphone features dual cameras with tons of features like DSLR, Also a risky gamble against leading manufatures like Apple and Samsung. Some Notable Features of Oneplus 5 Dual Camera. Clearer Photos ......

Find How e-Cigarettes’ Disruptive Technology has Revolutionized the Smoking Industry

Lik Hon - a Chinese pharmacist - was the brain behind the first electronic cigarette that hit the market. A lot of things have changed ever since, and right now we have a wealth of companies manufacturing and selling e-cigs. The first modes launched didn’t look lie cigarettes at all, and many thought that they were too bulky and heavy to be used on a daily basis. Also, changing the parts,......

Car Battery Care and Maintenance Tips - Must Know

Are you looking for great tips for your car battery maintenance? You have been looking for long but couldn't find definite tips so that you can maintain your car battery easily? Then set all your woes aside because in this article we are going to discuss some of the must know car battery care and maintenance tips. It is not something of a rocket science but some fundamental aspects need to......

How to Login to Tinder without Facebook Easily?

Dating is something that will never go out of fashion. People have been using the dating apps for a long time. There was a time when there were no smartphones and only internet. Even at that time there were dating websites. However, with the smartphones have evolved and now we have the great dating apps like Tinder. In fact, Tinder is the most popular dating app around the world. Millions......

The Must-know Mobile Security Questions

Security plays the major role in every innovation. Many new projects and innovations failed to meet the customer’s satisfaction because of the security issues. It is the duty of every developer, to develop bug-free software and take care of the security issues. A survey says that 41% of the products can’t meet the customer satisfaction, because, they found bugs in it. ......

Siri v/s Google Assistant - Which is the Best? [Infographic]

The iOS users still remember the excitement Siri stirred when it first hit the market in October 2011. This excitement never faded as Apple continued to update it from time to time with features that users lovingly embraced. However, with the grand appearance Google Assistant made, it became evident that Siri has got some serious competition. ......

Tips to Track the Hidden Places of Risks in Internet Security

We live in a world of internet and we are dependent on internet for all our activities. The internet has changed our lives in numerous ways. The internet helps in both positive and negative ways. Internet has a dark side because we have observed many security issues and people have begun to lose their personal privacy which leaves people at risk. Individuals, companies and security agencies......

What Could Happen If a Cybercriminal Gets into Your Online Storage Service?

Like many internet users today, chances are you tend to store a lot of your files on an online storage service for convenience. And why wouldn’t you? You can snap a photo with your smartphone and with a tap of a button have it uploaded to your Dropbox account almost instantly. There’s not much of a need to plug your phone in to your......
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